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BPI Advocates National Fitness for All

Release date:Nov 21 ,2023 Source:BPI Pageviews:-
BPI Advocates National Fitness for All Shenzhen-based BPI actively responds to the national call, intertwining the concept of national fitness with the spirit of sports. This year's fitness campaign, themed "Get Moving, Stay Healthy," aims...

BPI Advocates National Fitness for All


Shenzhen-based BPI actively responds to the national call, intertwining the concept of national fitness with the spirit of sports. This year's fitness campaign, themed "Get Moving, Stay Healthy," aims to encourage more individuals to engage in fitness activities and integrate the ideals of a healthy lifestyle into their daily routines. BPI, through tangible actions, fulfills its corporate social responsibility, propelling the development of nationwide health initiatives.



Olympics and National Fitness in Harmony: BPI Promotes a Healthy Lifestyle


BPI's national fitness campaign, centered around the theme "Get Moving, Stay Healthy," closely aligns with the principles of sportsmanship. Through this theme, BPI aims to deepen the employees' experience of the core values of unity, perseverance, and friendship embodied in the spirit of sports. The goal is to further ignite enthusiasm for physical exercise among the staff.


Comprehensive Focus on National Fitness: BPI Leads the Trend of the Times


With widespread attention and participation in national fitness activities, outdoor travel and sports have become a prevailing trend. Activities such as hiking, trekking, and outdoor adventures are increasingly popular among the public. However, a significant challenge during outdoor activities is the availability of power, particularly for devices like smartphones that require charging. To address this issue, BPI has introduced a portable power source suitable for outdoor use, capable of charging up to 12 devices simultaneously. This ensures a more relaxed outdoor experience, allowing people to effortlessly enjoy the beauty of the outdoors.


BPI Outdoor Power Source: Facilitating a More Convenient Outdoor Lifestyle


BPI's outdoor power source serves as an indispensable companion for outdoor activities. Power supply has been a major concern during outdoor adventures, and BPI's outdoor power source guarantees a hassle-free experience, ensuring that your electronic devices are always charged. Whether on a wilderness excursion or a hiking trip, BPI's outdoor power source alleviates the power-related challenges commonly faced during outdoor activities.


BPI Encourages: Step Outdoors, Embrace the Joy of Exercise



BPI encourages everyone to break away from their smartphones, bid farewell to laziness, and grab their BPI outdoor power source before stepping out into nature. Through outdoor activities, individuals can stretch their legs, embrace the outdoors, and relish the health and joy that exercise brings. BPI urges people to experience a more comfortable fitness environment, enjoy diverse high-quality services, and explore various forms of physical activity.


BPI: Leading a New Trend in National Fitness for All


BPI is not just a modern energy development and manufacturing company; it is also an active advocate for social responsibility and the promotion of national fitness. By participating in the "National Fitness Day" activities, BPI aims to provide more opportunities for employees to engage in physical exercise, communicate the ideals of a healthy lifestyle, and lead society towards a healthier and more positive way of life. BPI, hand in hand with you, is dedicated to creating a healthier and brighter future!

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