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Can't you pick a lithium battery yet?

Release date:Jun 14 ,2022 Source:BPI Pageviews:-
With the increase of market demand, the lithium battery industry continues to expand. There are many lithium battery brands on the market, and it is hard to tell whether they are good or bad.

With the increase of market demand, the lithium battery industry continues to expand. There are many lithium battery brands on the market, and it is hard to tell whether they are good or bad.


1. look at the appearance

Look at the appearance refers to the appearance, workmanship, size and process of lithium battery. Check whether the seam width of the shell is not wide, whether there are burrs, whether there are oil stains, and whether the feel is good. Advanced technology is very comfortable to touch. The rubberized oil polishing material has good hand feel and strong insulation function

2. compare weights

The weight of a lithium battery is proportional to its capacity. For polymer lithium batteries, if the weight difference is too large, the capacity will certainly be insufficient, but some batteries have different capacities. In addition, the weight of the battery can be perceived from the outer packaging. If it is heavy, it tends to be a high-quality lithium battery.

3. check whether the capacity is clearly marked

Lithium batteries without clearly marked capacity are likely to be waste batteries or recycled batteries reassembled with inferior batteries. There are many cheap lithium batteries on the market, which are made of recycled or disassembled batteries. Although the price is cheap, the service life is short and the quality is unstable. Careless use may damage the equipment or even explode.

5. look at the battery

Most of the cells used in lithium batteries are soft pack cells and 18650 cells, which are also common lithium battery pack cell materials. First, check whether the battery is brand-new, because there are some bad small workshops in the market that use waste batteries to make lithium batteries. Soft packed lithium battery, also known as polymer battery, is a kind of battery with soft packed electrolyte in the form of gel. It can be made into various shapes. The battery has high safety and will not explode.

6. look at the brand
There are many brands of lithium batteries, but it is difficult to see the quality from the appearance. In this case, you need to do more homework and check the manufacturer's information online before you choose. Generally speaking, professional manufacturers are more reliable than small workshops. Manufacturers who have been in this industry for a long time are more trustworthy than those who have just started. If consumers do not know which brand of battery is good at the time of purchase, they will directly demand big brand batteries, because under the influence of brand practicality, the reliability and quality of batteries will be well guaranteed.
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